Frequently Asked Questions

Phishing is the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Phishing attacks have become increasingly sophisticated. As of 2020 the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center recorded over twice as many incidents of phishing than any other type of computer crime.

Malware, or malicious software, is any program or file that is harmful to a computer user. Malware includes computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses and spyware. Malware can take control of your computer compromising software, bank accounts, your contact list and more.

Our basic plan covers the typical volume of emails a person receives which they may want scanned by Scampoo. We offer plans and expansions to cover all volumes of use.

A good example is the Unexpected Prize or Lottery Scam. You will receive an email notification that you have won a lot of money or a fantastic prize in a competition, lottery or sweepstake that you don’t remember entering. The prize you have “won” could be anything from a tropical holiday to electronic equipment such as a laptop or a smartphone, or even money from a lottery. To claim your prize, you will be asked to pay a fee. Scammers will often say these fees are for insurance costs, government taxes, bank fees or courier charges. The scammers make money by collecting bogus fees from their victims. The email message you receive will ask you to respond quickly or risk missing out. It may also urge you to keep your winnings private or confidential, to ‘maintain security’ or stop other people from getting your prize by mistake. Scammers do this to prevent you from seeking further information or advice from independent sources.

These scammers are very devious. There are numerous accounts compromised on an hourly basis by people who are trying to be careful. Remember, that there are thieves that live off the money they scam out of others! These malefactors may have obtained your name and email from a data breach at a company or bank you deal with, and then make the email look as though it is from the compromised company.. They may have breached a friend’s or relative’s computer to get your email address. Their messages look real – these thieves are good! Scampoo can perform a check on your emails to help identify known email scams and phishing attacks.

Not necessarily. Typically, this type of attachment has been passed down to your friend from other sources. Your friend may not intend to infect your system but without protection these attachments could contain malware. Once you open the attachment this malware could be installed on your computer, cell phone or tablet. These emails may be malicious. Any email with an attachment could have malware in the attachment. Any link in an email could take you to a malicious website that could spell trouble. Even an email that looks like it came from your best friend or grandchild could be dangerous. Play it safe and have Scampoo scan the email for known issues before you open the email.

Scampoo not only checks the URLs within the emails against a database of known scams, Scampoo will also run a malware and virus scan on all attachments. Please remember that these scammers work 24 hours a day trying to stay ahead of us. We have taken serious steps (including processing the latest data of known scammers URL's 24 hours a day to thwart their efforts) to ensure we stay on top of things and give you the best protection possible; but we could miss one every now and then. Scampoo is one component of an email security process you should use. You should also have a good antivirus software on your device and use email spam filters. Antivirus software will catch some but not all viruses and malware, and the spam filter will not catch all of the spam. Scammers work day and night to beat antivirus software and spam filters. Scampoo adds another layer of defense to protect you. No one item is perfect, but together they offer a high level of security.

That is a good question. First, we do not save your email after we review it and send you a report. Second, we provide you with a very specific privacy notice when you sign up that says we will not use your email or any information in the email or attachments for any purpose other than providing the Scampoo service. The founders of Scampoo and Logic Advisers have an extensive background in credit report security with Trans Union, Equifax, and Experian and loan application security with major automobile manufacturers. We consider security and privacy two primary values in our lives and we take great care to pass our values on to you through Scampoo.

The data bases we use are updated hourly as new scams are discovered.

We respect your privacy. Scampoo will only review the emails you select for review. If an email looks safe based on our scanning process, we will give the OK to open it based on our current data. Since we review the subject line and content of the email looking for fraudulent content you probably do not want us looking at emails from friends, family or business associates. As long as you trust the email enough to open links or attachments without a Scampoo scan we won’t even see it.